The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Mother's Right to Brag

It has already been a month since William Dewitt Hale made his appearance into the world. As the mom of two pretty awesome Hale-boys, I am quite aware they are far from perfect little angels (they have a reputation to uphold after all) but in celebration of surviving this first month it is time to brag . . .

Liam's grown so big in so short a time but he still loves to be held. He is still somewhat confused as to when the best time of day to sleep is, yet he is still quite an amazing fella. If put down on his belly, he will move several feet ahead pushing with his feet in just moments. We don't have to worry as much about Graeme pulling him off the couch as we do him wiggling himself off. He will also sometimes push himself over onto his back and can hold his head up off the floor for a few moments already. He is getting so strong so fast. I'm trying to treasure these moments (except for grocery/store shopping-they do not plan that for a mom of 2 small children as the carts are impossible to use with the kids in them!) as I know that before long I will be in shock that he is almost 2.

Graeme is adjusting to this new life pretty well. He is going through a throwing and whacking things with spatulas, trains and whatever is handy stage so I don't think that Liam can really take that one personally (we have prevented most hits). Like Liam, Graeme is growing bigger and more amazing each day. He slides into his pool with particular glee when he is wearing non-swimming clothes (hilarious moment today when the sopping wet diaper fell off and he was running around the backyard in just a shirt). Graeme climbs on top of his train table and plays or walks around it in circles making anything with wheels ride the track. He loves to be chased and can't stand to have the tags on clothes sticking out. He is generous with his food, even when we wished he would just go ahead and eat it himself. I love watching him understanding and playing and interacting with the world.

And while I would have loved to add a wonderful picture of my delightful boys together, they are real children under the age of 2 so that just wasn't happening :-)

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