The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Vancouver, eh?

Our second big trip in October was a plane ride to Canada. Through Mike's work connections, we took a 10 day jaunt to Vancouver, British Columbia. While a plane ride with a 2-year old isn't something I recommend doing often, we survived and made it north and west. After a snafu with our luggage (we made the connection in Chicago but our car seats and checked bag did not), we checked into our hotel and rested. Our second day was our only truly rainy day (very unusual for BC this time of year) and so the boys and I just did a little walking around and exploring while Mike met up with his work colleagues.

We all took a walk together down to Sunset Beach before Mike had to head to work. Above is a view of Burrard Bridge and False Creek while below is looking out through some public art into English Bay and the freighters.

Mike and the boys

The ever so energetic and beach loving Graeme

Mike pushing the fellas in the stroller. There was many a steep climb on the streets of Vancouver. My calf muscles still remind me about all the walking we did.

Looking out at Vancouver from our hotel.

Some fun and fascinating public art on Granville Island.

The ferry that took us across to Granville Island.

Coming soon . . . the further adventures of the
HALES UP NORTH (and west)!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The first big trip in October

Wow! I can't believe October is almost over! I am catching up from a crazy month with my "hale"-ions. We went on two big trips and have only been home for one week this month. Our first trip was a car trip up north. The first part of our trip, we dropped Mike off in Baltimore for a conference while we continued on to Pennsylvania just outside of Philadelphia. There we met up with Anna and Dave Bogus.

We went to King of Prussia Mall and then the next day we headed over to a model train museum and Amish Country.

Graeme thought the model trains were pretty cool.

Liam enjoyed his time hanging with Anna

Then Mike rejoined us and we headed over to a zoo.

What sweet newlyweds :-)

After PA, we continued up to Scotia, New York for a visit with Mike's grandparents. We enjoyed our time with family and the beautiful fall colors of upstate New York.

Grandpa Hale
Grammie Hale

Grandpa Scribner

Grandma Scribner

Graeme in the leaves, heading on to his next adventure . . .
Vancouver, British Columbia