The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Memory of Sleep

How can someone so sweet and adorable think that he should be awake between the hours of midnight and 2 a.m.? Yet he does (even though this picture shows him in angelic baby sleep). We are having such a wonderful time with our two boys. We are truly blessed with two sweet and adorable fellas. Graeme is finally saying "momma" more frequently and being such a fun big brother. He is getting more and more interested in Liam and has tried to pick him up several times. I am trying to teach Graeme that gently touching his head or rubbing the back of Liam is the way to go. We'll see.

But back to Liam. He grows cuter (and longer-already an inch longer than when he was born 2 weeks ago!) everyday. This is a good thing because the one thing not being adjusted to out of the womb is when he should let mommy sleep. He sleeps so well during the day and early evening, but when mommy and daddy are ready to head to bed, he's up for a couple of hours. I'll send Mike off to bed (one of us should be semi-rested and he can't exactly nurse the baby :-) and begin night duty. I really do miss sleep and as a friend reminded me today-each day brings us closer to the day he will sleep through the night! I also am grateful that my semi-rested husband takes over and gives me a couple hours each morning so I can make it through.

Here's hoping that sleep becomes more than just a fond memory soon!


  1. I'm not a huge country music fan, but I really like Darius Rucker's "It Won't Be Like This For Long" about his kids. It is a really sweet song!

  2. Great to see you on Tuesday! Your new little man is absolutely adorable and Graeme had me in stitches with his chatter. Can't wait to see you again and don't worry...sleep will come soon enough. :-)

  3. Liam is adorable! Congratulations! I SO remember those non-sleeping days and then randomly at 6 weeks Morgan slept through the night. You'll get there soon enough!

  4. love you sista! hope you are enjoying a bit more sleep these days! Praying for you all!
