The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How to Beat the Summer Heat

So it's only June and we feel like we are melting whenever we step outside.  I thought I might share some of the ways we are finding to beat the heat.  

10.  Go to the grocery store and linger in the refrigerated section

9.  Water balloon wars

8.  Build and play with Legos

7. Find something cool to eat or drink

6.  Find a way to play in the water

5.  Go on outings to the Lego Store, Museums and Movies (Tuesdays are great here with discount tickets, there is a $1 kid movie series, plus we have the second run theater which is great since finding good kid movies is harder and harder every year)

4.  Take a hike in the shade

3.  Find a shaded place in a park to play 

2.  Play (or wrestle) inside

And the #1 way we are beating the heat-POOL.  Whether splashing inside or sitting on the chair and getting splashed on the outside, we are cooling off around our little pool.

Stay cool!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Finally Reappearing With News from the Hales

I can't believe how the time flies.  Liam turned 5 almost a month ago and he finished up pre-k with a great group of teachers over at Holly Ridge Elementary this past Monday.  They were a big help and though he still has a long journey ahead, he made great progress this year! Next comes "kindergarten" at Holly Springs Elementary!
Liam and Mrs. Schock 
Our sadness of the day came when we had to take Mike to the airport for a business trip to San Francisco.  The boys missed him even before we dropped him off ;-).  To cheer them up we headed over to Crabtree Valley Mall for dinner at Chick-fil-A and searching for dinosaurs hidden in the displays at the Lego store.  

"Cheesing" with Chick-fil-A
Starting off Liam's summer vacation, he is doing a fun nature camp at Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve-Nature Nymphs: Magical Forest.  They are learning about the everyday magic of nature and creating a little of their own with a fairy garden he will bring home at the end.  Since Liam has some special needs, especially with communication, he has a great helper for camp and bonded quickly with her!

Liam and his helper, Lea ready for adventure!

Well, here we go again.  A new start of "Hale-raising" adventures!  Hope you enjoy the journey with us!