The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day

Friday, February 7, 2014

Not Prepared for This (And That's Okay)

Just when you think you are prepared for the world of parenting, there comes a day like today.

12:00 a.m.  My day started with my children waking each other up crying out (bad dreams, hungry, missing daddy?) from midnight to 2 a.m.  After snuggles and an applesauce for Liam, we eventually all managed some semblance of sleep until about 7 a.m.

8:30 a.m. Get ready for school and get out the door.  Though tired and the night unusual, at this point of the day I was still feeling somewhat on top of parenting-I even made the boys and I a hot breakfast before we had to leave. This part of the day was also normal crazy-we did get to school on time with everything we were supposed to bring (including m&m's for Graeme to share for M show and tell since that was all I could think of that began with M this morning-he was a hit)

9-noon I usually work a few hours on Friday, but was blessed with a day off which I used to go into the grocery store and just have a quiet few minutes.  (Especially needed with hubby out of town for 8 days)

12:30 p.m. After picking the boys up from their preschool at noon, we headed over to the second-run movie theater to meet up with some friends to watch a movie.  At this point of the story, I'm still feeling very much like I have a handle on parenting for the day.  The boys were well-behaved (though Graeme did narrate the entire plot of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2) and we love popcorn and watching movies on the big screen. Snuggles with Liam and fun with friends.

This day doesn't seem so bad?  It wasn't, we had a blast with everything we did.  But the next trip to the park showed me that I had let slide a few things on the prepared parent scale-extra clothes.

2:30 p.m. The boys both do such a great job with bathroom trips that I have gotten slack in carrying extra clothes, especially for Graeme.  Normally, I try to pre-empt and make the boys go to the bathroom at the beginning of an activity.  Well, today I didn't.  We got to the playground, and indeed within 5 minutes Graeme was needing to go urgently.  It was a new playground for us so precious moments were spent locating where to go.  We made it to the bathroom before a big accident but we needed new clothes.  I had NONE in the car for Graeme, but being the giant children that they are, Liam's clothes are close enough in size that I could use the one's in Liam's school bag and problem solved, right?


We get back to the playground, where I decide to be smart mom.  I take Liam to the potty.  About 5 minutes after we get back, he is having so much fun that he does not come get me so he can go back.  I see him and know what is about to happen but the maze of the cool, giant wooden castle playset (plus the distance to the bathroom) does not allow me to get to Liam in time.  Luckily, we were at the playground with a friend who still has a kid in diapers so we were able to borrow some wipes and get cleaned up.

After this eventful first 30 minutes, the boys played, I got to hang out with my friend as much as any mom can at the playground.

4:00 p.m. We had a blast until time to head out.  Being worn out from a very busy day, the boys both ended up falling asleep (Liam on the way home and Graeme once we got back).

So while I was not prepared for today, I'm glad to say we had a blast nonetheless and no major mountains were created from life's molehills (AND since they both napped, we will likely be partying late tonight to celebrate this fact)

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