The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

10 Things That No Longer Surprise Me

As a parent, I am still learning that adult logic and child logic are worlds apart and that personal space is a true thing of the past.  In honor of my sweet progeny, here is a list of ten things happening often around the house that no longer surprise me, in no particular order . . .

1.  Discovering plastic cups (and a variety of other thankfully waterproof items added while I'm not looking) in the washing machine (this after hearing a mysterious thump, thump, thump after starting the wash).

2.  That the yellow stuff around the window screens isn't always pollen but is present all year long (sidewalk chalk is also fun to use on window screens).

3.  That laying down my head on a pillow generally sends off a signal for one of the boys to wake up. 

4.  That when we get sick, snow days will happen as soon as the kids get better and can go back to school. (Twice in under a month this happened!)

5.  That the only guarantee at the dinner table is a sudden need to go to the bathroom. 

6.  That the kids will play together well until you sit down and try to read for 5 minutes.  (Addendum: they will also be silent in the car UNTIL I put in an audiobook).

7.  That the house is really a race course. (Especially true during our floor renovations as the furniture is out in a storage box and there are no major obstacles to a good race or chase).

8.  That naps are now things to be dreaded.  If Liam falls asleep in the car and ends up taking a nap, he has no desire to go to bed until 10pm and will throw crazy fits at his 8:30 bedtime.

9.  That a made bed is mortally offensive to a 3 1/2 year old and must be destroyed!

10.  That though the boys love to be tucked in with multiple blankets and their stuffed animals, they are always on top of their covers (and in Graeme's case generally completely turned around) when we check on them later.

It is always an adventure and I'm looking forward to expecting more of the unexpected.  

"Insanity is hereditary; you get it from your children."  (Sam Levenson)

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