The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

To the Coast

Wow! June went so fast and so did the first week of July. Graeme is still loving anything with wheels, whether it is a wooden train or a four-wheeler. Liam is raising his head up and getting stronger and longer. We went to the coast for the Fourth of July weekend. We hadn't been since Liam was born, so we were excited to introduce him to friends and family.

We went to the beach on the way down, but with two kids (one of them being a 21-month old who does not stay still) we didn't get any pictures there.

Being a younger sister, I have always been the recipient of hand me downs. Having kids after my sister, times haven't changed. As her kids are outgrowing toys and dress up clothes, she is very kindly passing them down to us.
We did get to play in Bogue Sound and out and around Papa Witt's house. We had a great time! While Graeme had a blast "swimming" and horsing around with his cousins, Liam chilled out in the pouch while mommy took pictures and then in the hammock while mommy took his picture.

Isn't this the good life?
Of course I tried to get some kind of picture on the fourth of both boys together (and how awesome to throw a yummy watermelon in that shot). Still being a toddler and an infant, this was how it turned out. It does bring a smile to my face.

Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe July 4th!

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are so adorable! I know you are a GREAT mom! They are lucky :)
    Great photos! Glad you had a wonderful 4th! We did too!
