The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Continuing Adventures of the Hales in Canada

Wow!  It is hard to believe so much has happened since we were in Vancouver.  The whole month of November, example.  Well, I've just got one more set of Vancouver adventures and then I will capture that elusive month of November and on to what's been going on in December (it even involves some snow!!)

Our next adventures started out at the large Inukshuk overlooking English Bay just before getting onto the seawall around Stanley Park.

How could I resist a picture of the raven drinking from the water fountain.  

We found ourselves walking by the playground at Second Beach again.  We took a short play break even though our adventures had barely begun.  You should never pass up a playground when there is an active little man that you would like to stay in the stroller for the next while.

Liam was already taking his first nap.

Stanley Park

Looking back at Siwash Rock and the boats in English Bay.

We saw lots of wildlife, including this seagull still trying to swallow 3 more arms to the sea star.  He let us get very close too.

They may look small in the picture, but these sea stars were at least a foot in diameter.

As we walked around, came across some beautiful fall flowers blooming in the park.  Needless to say, these pictures have also been matted and framed and are hanging in my house.  They were so pretty (especially as this was one of the cloudy, rainy days in Vancouver)

Girl in a Wetsuit.  This sculpture has been around since the 1970s. 

The lighthouse overlooking Burard Inlet with the mountains in the background.  

The Totem Poles were cool.  Graeme was tired of being in the stroller and did not appreciate them quite as much.

As we near the end, we get a great look at the city we've been exploring from Stanley Park.

This is a map of Stanley Park.  Except for the very tip of the point on the right side, the boys and I walked around the entire perimeter.  It was about an 8km hike and that does not include our walk to and from the park from our hotel.  

Yes, we stopped at the cool cupcake place for well earned yumminess (and Liam turned 5 months old that day).  We had a red velvet and cream cheese cupcake.  YUMMMMM!

The next day we were back in the city exploring.  We headed out with the round building as our goal-Science World.  We took a ferry ride across the water just after leaving the urban park to get there.

Graeme at the fun little urban park

Liam hanging out with Science World behind him.

Graeme enjoyed Science World.  There was a slide through a "dump"

Liam took a nap

Graeme loved the rolling weights interactive experiment

He also found a space ship he could climb into in the kids' room

After we left Science World, we headed over to China Town (pictures of the garden will be in a later post with a fun and quick story)

The Gates to China Town

After all of our walking, the boys chill on the couch with a movie on the iPad

We went for another walk with Mike that night after he got off work over to Canada Place and Gas Town.  We found the Olympic Torch again.

The official gift shop of the Mounties.  I did buy a couple of post cards.

The Steam Clock at night

The boys waiting for mommy to come out of the cupcake shop (yes we went again, but at least we waited one whole day :-)  We had dressed the boys in layers with their pajamas so that we could put them straight to bed if they went to sleep on their walk.

The yumminess

Back to Stanley Park, this time the boys and I were exploring the interior of the park.  We found the Lost Lagoon.  

We went through the woods were we found some fun shelf fungus with a small inukshuk directing travelers along the path.

The temperate rain forest was so beautiful and amazing.

So concludes another chapter of our adventures in the lands north and west.  Our next adventures will take us to the aquarium and back around the city (and best of all, Mike was able to join us for these last days exploring the city)

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