Liam has been given his pre-school assignment for next year. Unfortunately, there wasn't an option to be at the same school as Graeme so we chose a traditional calendar school less than a mile away so they will be on a similar schedule and I can get both of them to and from school without too much craziness (or so we hope).

Then, on Thursday, Graeme started kindergarten!!!!! How my children got old enough to be doing things like starting his academic career is beyond me, but there it is. Graeme is 5 going on 6 and excited to be at his new school. With the staggered entry system they have for kindergarten, he only went on Thursday this week and then will start "full-time" next week.

The big plan was to wrap up this crazy week with a fun trip to the zoo on Friday. Alas, this was not to be. Temperature wise, it looked perfect, we have been unseasonably cool this whole week in the 70s and 80s. But while most days bring afternoon storms, today's forecast was heavy rain all day in Asheboro. Time to come up with plan B.

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