The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day
Friday, June 6, 2014
Summer Fun Begins!
So I was not a great blogger in May. Part of that was that we stayed busy and part is that I'm trying to lead by example for the kids with a little bit less time spent on technology every day. By the time the day was over, I truly just wanted to hang out with Mike and the kids or curl up with a good book.
Some updates-Liam successfully passed his audiology test (hearing check) on Tuesday! The tubes have done wonders and my little man is making progress. Now, we are ready for next week and another round of evaluations in the process of getting him some extra help! Also, Mike had a good trip up to Halifax, Nova Scotia for work where he got to hang out in a lovely house, work with friends, and eat lots of good food! His next trip at the end of this month will be back to San Francisco. Graeme graduated preschool from Meadowland and was one of few kids who chose something besides firefighter for their future profession. My fella wants to be a train conductor! He was sweet and it was a great day for him. Liam and I both got a year older and Mike and I celebrated another anniversary. Liam is 4 and Mike and I have been married 7 years! As for me, I'm proud of the 37 years survived and thrived so far.
So now that Liam is done with preschool for a bit and Graeme is just down to Wake County pre-k, we have a little more time on our hands that we get to choose how we run around. We are playing with friends, splashing in water to keep cool, and as of today we are starting Fun Fridays. Fridays are completely our own with no pre-k, no speech therapy and no other scheduled appointments, so I'm planning to make some kind of outing/adventure with the boys each week through June and July before Graeme starts kindergarten. Today was our first outing and it was a hit! We went to downtown Raleigh to the Marbles Kids Museum where the boys played pirates, helped fill a giant piggy bank, showed me the new Kid Grid play area and had a blast "exercising". Afterward, we checked out a cool sandcastle in the middle of Acorn park downtown and then we went to the second run movie and watched Mr Peabody & Sherman. The boys were great and it was a fun day of adventure. Looking forward to trips to the zoo, aquarium, hiking and whatever other kind of fun we can find!
I love the fun Friday idea! You're an awesome mom! Looking forward to seeing you all next month! I should be back to NC July 23 or 24. :)