For those who know me for more than five minutes, there is a realization that I'm accident prone. People get wary when I'm around sharp objects, walk down stairs, get out of bed for the day . . .
Well, after being around Liam for the last 4 years, I have to say . . . the poor kid takes after his mom. He ends up visiting the doctor with crazy maladies a little more frequently than a mom would like.
In his short life he has had surgery for an inguinal hernia that didn't heal itself (14 months old), he has been going to the optometrist for a year and a half watching his lazy eye (hopefully patching will help him avoid another surgery), he has been in speech therapy for almost 2 years, and most recently had tubes put in his ears so fluid would drain and he could hear sounds again.
Our newest and most like mom injury started last week. Came home from dropping off Graeme and Liam headed inside while I grabbed the mail. In the two seconds delay I was behind him, he managed to either get bitten by something or stub his toe badly (still not sure). We watched it, and while discoloration went away and he walked fine on it by the end of the day, the swelling was still around a week later.
Since we had his four year old check up today (where he was in the 82nd percentile for height), we asked the doctor what his thoughts were and sure enough we ended going for x-rays. Praise that there were no broken or dislocated bones in his foot or with his little toe, just tissue swelling.
Liam did a fantastic job getting his x-rays and has been a real trooper through each development. Praying that he doesn't make ER visits in multiple states, stitches, and injury a running joke with friends quite like his mom but at least I can really understand where he is coming from as he goes through each adventure.