The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Going Back to Last Weekend

Happy 1 week anniversary to Katie and Isaac!  Last Friday we picked up Mike from the airport after a business trip to San Francisco, let him have an hour of rest and then packed everyone back into the van to head to Caswell Beach.  Why?

Mike's sister Katie was getting married, of course.  It was a beautiful morning service Saturday.  Graeme sat extremely well in a seat beside Mike for the whole ceremony.  Liam got a little antsy but did pretty good.  We had a delightful weekend watching the first Hale sister get married and hanging out with family.
Katie making her bouquet the night before

My handsome fellas all decked out for a beach wedding-what great "formal" wear!

Graeme actually took this picture!

The day was beautiful

My big fella!

The bride's side :-)

The groom's side watching for the bride.  Isaac looked very handsome in his uniform, but I did feel bad for him being the only person who HAD to wear shoes to the wedding.  

Katie escorted by her dad to the groom

The beautiful bridesmaids, Leanna, Christina and Nancy Hale 

Mr and Mrs Lamb!

Welcome to the family Uncle Isaac, the boys can't wait for their helicopter rides :-)

1 comment:

  1. I always love to read your blog, Emily. Thanks for being such a special part of a special day!!!
