The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Patience is not my middle name

There are a few names that I have told my husband we absolutely will not use for a child's middle name, including patience. How cruel to be told when you have a bad moment-"Patience must not be your middle name". Well, my parents knew better than that for me too I guess. I am so ready to have my little boy arrive. My first thought when I wake up is "please let today be the day". My last thought before bed is "please let me wake up in labor". I'm not even truly near my due date yet, but was thoroughly spoiled by Graeme. He arrived just past 36 weeks and now I'm already halfway through week 37. Oh, well. The cheese was great with this morning's whine :-) and I can't wait to have my new baby (if you couldn't guess). God's timing is great and I will wait (if not with perfect patience).

1 comment:

  1. We could get your name legally changed to Emily Page Grace-Patience Hale ;-)
