The adventures of raising little Hales and surviving the day to day
Monday, September 27, 2010
Happy 2 Birthday 2 My Sweet Fella
Friday, September 24, 2010
Trip to Ocean Day 2
Well it took a few days, but here is what happened on the second day of our trip to the coast. We went to church and like any good baptist, we then spent much of the afternoon eating. Sunday lunch after church at Papa Witt's house is a wonderful and very tasty tradition with Papa and my sister Lucy. We are always excited when we can be in town for that.
After lunch we played outside. I took some pictures of my sisters 3 kids-Neal, Sarah and Jadyn. We had a beautiful backdrop and then afterward headed over to the grape vines.
As you can somewhat see in the picture below, Graeme really enjoys the squashing of the grapes. He doesn't quite get that he is supposed to eat the grapes, he just really likes taking them off the vine and mashing them.
So that Papa Witt could have some grapes still on his vine (the older kids were so excited about picking grapes, they filled up two plastic bags), Mike grabbed the stroller and we headed over to Aunt June and Uncle Barry's house.
On the way we stopped at one more grape vine where I took this shot of Jadyn walking between the grape vines.
After a little while visiting at Aunt June's, her great-granddaughter Isabella made an appearance. She and Liam got to meet, hang out, and chew their fists together. She's a month older than Liam, but he has more hair :-)
We then had to head back to Holly Springs.
Monday, September 20, 2010
A Trip to Ocean Day 1
This past weekend we headed to my hometown to visit with the Page side of the family. Saturday, Liam turned 4 months old and Sunday marked one week before Graeme turns 2. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we had a great visit. We arrived around lunch on Saturday and then had a quick photo shoot outside at Papa Witt's house.
Getting photos of the boys together has gotten easier. Graeme is great at giving me cheesy smiles and Liam is currently still staying where I put him.
Graeme's favorite thing to do at Papa's house is to take 4-wheeler rides around the farm. He puts on his hat and runs up to the 4-wheeler calling, "go, go, go". Once he gets there he will wave and say "bye-bye".
I got some great pictures of my dad with the boys and I thought this one of the two Witts was pretty sweet. Papa Witt dotes on William Dewitt. They will laugh and coo at one another.
I love the look on Liam's face.
Graeme the Ham
After the photo shoot and the four-wheeler ride, we headed over to my sister Lucy's. We got to spend the afternoon hanging out with her, her 3 sweet kids, my mom and her husband, Brian. Nana had a great time holding Liam.
After he woke up, Liam made some great funny faces.
The cousins were much fun. Sarah made a great human swing for little sister Jadyn.
Neal spent most of the time hanging out with the neighbors, Taylor and Landon. They showed up in web-slinging gear ready to save the day.
And Graeme . . . he was everywhere. He rode the lawnmower. He played in the playhouse. He pushed the wheelbarrow. He dug around in the mulch. He had a blast.
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Blogged for a Month
Here are the top ten reasons I can come up with for why I haven't posted anything since the first of August. Over a month has passed and the boys have grown so much. Liam is wearing 6-9 month clothes and not even 4 months old. He is giggling and rolling over from his belly to his back. Graeme is talking more and more, giving sweet kisses, and playing hard.
Here we go, the top 10 reasons for my blog slackness:
Number 10 . . . General summer fun and craziness
Number 9 . . . Hanging out around the house
Number 8 . . . Visiting with the Grandparents both around the Triangle and at the coast with Papa Witt or in Fayetteville with the Hales.
Number 7 . . . Adventures to the park. Our latest adventure included a new friend Flat Stanley sent to us by cousin Neal. We hope he enjoys his adventures with the boys. Flat Stanley was carried around by Graeme on the playset and came down the big slide with him without a scratch (He is tightly gripped in Graeme's fist in the picture). We were amazed.
Number 6 . . . Going for walks around the neighborhood. Sometimes we use the double stroller, and sometimes we will put Liam in a "pouch" and I carry him while Mike pushes Graeme on his trike (he rings the bell ;-)
Number 5 . . . being crafty whenever I can and trying to get a head start on my Christmas cards
Number 4 . . . Being constantly amazed and distracted by how fast my boys are growing up!
Number 3 . . . Cooking and cleaning around the house, though I must say Graeme is starting to be a great big helper with dinner and putting away dishes. He still has a long way to go with laundry as he likes to empty the basket and unfold clothes. He is also fascinated by the spin cycle and keeps opening the washer, making it take a little longer to wash.
Number 2 . . . The boys and I jam out to the songs and soundtracks of the many offerings on Netflix for the Wii
And the number 1 reason I haven't blogged, I'm a mom of 2 sweet and wonderful boys so I'm a bit of a slacker when it comes to sitting down at the computer when I can be chasing them around instead (especially since Graeme has taken to streaking)!
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